6 Steps To Record Your iPhone Screen For Instagram Stories

6 Steps To Record Your iPhone Screen For Instagram Stories

UPDATE 1: In order to include sound in your screen recording, you must have your phone’s ringer turned ON at the time of recording.

UPDATE 2: I am unfortunately not able to help troubleshoot for users who are experiencing difficulties adding sound to their screen recordings. Please reference the FAQ tab within the Record It! app for assistance. Thank you!

Woah, friends! Last week your response on Instagram Stories was insane after I posted a video recording of my iPhone screen. So it looks like you want to be able to create animated video content the same way too, huh? It's way easier than it looks, and today I'm sharing exactly how you can do it!

This specific tutorial will be geared toward iPhone users, but fear not, non-iPhone friends: with a few slight variations, you should be able to create screen recordings, too. Here's what you'll need:

• Your iPhone
Record It! free app (click here to download)
• A webpage that you'd like to record

Ready to dive in and learn how you can start recording your own screen ASAP? Here are the steps you need to take.:

1. Download Record It! and enable recording settings

Once you download Record It!, follow the below steps to enable the recorder to easily pop up in your iPhone's Control Panel.

How I Record My iPhone Screen For Social Content


2. Record your video

Pull up the specific screen that you'd like to record (in this example, I've pulled up a past blog post). Next, swipe into your iPhone's Control Panel and press the Record It! record button. You'll have three seconds to get back into the screen you'd like to record. From there, scroll away and record! When you're finished, tap into the red timed portion of your screen and select "stop."

How I Record My iPhone Screen For Social Content

3. Edit and post your video

And now you're almost done! Your video will automatically save to your camera roll, so go in and make sure that it's exactly as you'd like it and trim down if needed. From there, you can post awesome vertical video clips to your Instagram Story that will stop your audience in their scroll and catch their attention. 

UPDATE 1: In order to include sound in your screen recording, you must have your phone’s ringer turned ON at the time of recording.

UPDATE 2: I am unfortunately not able to help troubleshoot for users who are experiencing difficulties adding sound to their screen recordings. Please reference the FAQ tab within the Record It! app for assistance. Thank you!

Are you planning to include animated Instagram Stories in the near future? I'd love to hear if this tutorial was helpful to you and how you plan to use it!