5 Artistic Fonts for Brand & Web Design

Strategically choosing a font pairing for brand or web design is one of the best parts of the creative process – but it’s also tedious and time-consuming.

Our studio has combed through hundreds of free and paid fonts over the years to hand-select the best of the best, and today we’re sharing five wholly unique, artistic fonts that are the perfect match for e-commerce, lifestyle, food and beverage brands.

See a font that you like? Click through below to download them and try them out for yourself – most are available on Adobe Fonts or Creative Market. Enjoy!


Skylight is bold, angular and artistic font that’s perfect to use for branding that needs a punch of modernism. We love it for it’s movement and differently weighted ligatures, and it looks just as beautiful in lowercase as it does in all caps.

Temeraire Italic Font | 5 Artistic Fonts for Brand & Web Design

Temeraire Italic

Temeraire Italic is a quirky font that lends a subtle air of Parisian eclecticism to any brand or website design project. We love it for it’s wavy ligatures and slight tilt, and it looks stunning in both upper and lowercase.

New York font | 5 Artistic Fonts for Brand & Web Design

New York

New York is a gorgeous, sleek and artful font that makes a sophisticated impact when used in brand and web design. We love it for it’s versatility, which lends itself well to both brand marks and website headers.

Nesans Font | 5 Artistic Fonts for Brand & Web Design


Nesans is a beautiful font when a design project calls for a typeface that errs on the side of minimalism, but still feels personality-filled. We love it for its differently weighted letters, which help brand names stand out when used for logo design.


Posture is another lovely, artistic font that feels light and minimal – with a twist. We love Posture for logo design specifically, but it also worked well when used in all caps or lowercase for website headlines.