The Email Templates That I Use To Save Time In My Business

The Email Templates That I Use To Save Time In My Business

Happy Monday, friends! If you're anything like me, Monday morning is your catch-up time after the weekend – and by "catch-up," I mean answer all of those emails that either went unanswered last week or came through after you left the office for the weekend. 

Am I right?!

Now that I'm finding my groove in my business after going full-time two months ago, I've made a point to set up efficient processes for all of my daily tasks – emails included. Because when you think about it, all of those new business inquiries, collaboration requests, guest writing pitches and client check-ins take a lot of time. 

That's why I've come up with email template responses that are both personable and efficient – and they've shaved hours off of the time I used to spend crafting emails only to rewrite them before sending. 

Below, I'm sharing my top three email templates that I use to cut down the time that I'm spending in my inbox each week, so that I can focus on the heart, vision and future of my business. My hope is that these templates help you streamline your communication processes and say adios to spending hours on emails each day. 


Email template #1: New business inquiries

On any given week, I can expect to receive 2-3 new business inquiries regarding my social media strategy and branding services, which is great! Since I can expect to receive these inquiries in my inbox via my online contact form, I've put together an personable and efficient email response template that allows me to respond quickly to all of my inquiries and get time scheduled on the calendar to connect on a call. It looks a little something like this: 

Hi [NAME], thanks so much for reaching out regarding my [SPECIFIC SERVICE NAME HERE] – it's great to hear from you! I'd love to learn more about [INQUIRY BUSINESS NAME] and how we could work together to help your brand look its best.

I currently offer social media strategy and branding services, and have the availability to kick off a new project starting on [DATE HERE]. If my current availability aligns well with your desired timing, I'd like to discuss your overall vision, goals and desires for your business on a call. Feel free to grab time on my calendar for a day that works best for you HERE [LINK TO CALENDLY CALENDAR].

I look forward to getting to know you more, and please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much!


Email template #2: Weekly client check-in 

Mondays are a big day for client emails – especially my social media clients – because this is the day of the week that I deliver the previous week's social media performance metrics and check in regarding any outstanding questions or upcoming initiatives for the week. I like to keep these emails concise, because I know that my clients are likely having just as busy of a morning as I am! My client check-in email template looks like this: 

Hi [NAME], I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I wanted to let you know that last week's social media reporting is now available for you to review HERE [LINK TO REPORTING SPREADSHEET]. A few callouts:


Please let me know if you have any questions regarding last week's reporting and I'm happy to address. I also wanted to let you know that I've attached an agenda for our upcoming check-in call on [DATE HERE] to this message. Lastly, your November invoice will be coming through on [DATE HERE] to cover your monthly fees. 

Thanks so much, and have a great start to your week! 


Email template #3: Guest writing pitch

Although I get a lot of inquiries in my own inbox, I also frequently pitch online publications for guest writing opportunities. Why? As a journalism major and former editor, I still have a heart for freelance writing – especially when it comes to writing about creative business, lifestyle and food! Whenever I pitch a publication with a story idea, my guest writing pitch emails look like this: 

"Hi [NAME], I hope this finds you well. I'm Lindsay Scholz, and I currently own a small business that offers social media strategy and branding services at I've been reading [PUBLICATION NAME] since [DATE], and your content has been so helpful in my life because [REASON HERE]!

With that being said, I would love to discuss contributing content to your publication that covers, [TOPIC #1], [TOPIC #2,] and [TOPIC #3]. In the past, I've written for [PUBLICATION NAME] and
[PUBLICATION NAME], and you can view some of my most recent work here:


If you're currently seeking freelance contributors, I would love to learn more about the specific type of content that you'd like to see submitted. Thanks so much for your consideration, and I look forward to learning more about contributing to [PUBLICATION NAME]!

What are your favorite ways to cut down the time you spend on emails each week? I'd love to hear them! Leave your best tips in the comments below.