3 Quick Ways to Grow Your Email List

Growing an engaged email list is super important, but with access to other platforms like social media, email marketing can get pushed to the wayside for creative business owners.

But social media isn’t invincible: it could crash someday (how many Instagram outages have we lived through in 2019, again?), so having an email list is necessary to still have contact with those who support you and your brand or business. 

A lot of people scroll right past the ‘subscribe’ box, so how do we draw them in? Here are a few of my best tips to growing your email list (quickly!) from scratch.

Tip 1: Offer Helpful Freebies

One great way to grow your email list is offering an opt-in freebie. You can do so much with these and get as creative as you’d like! Printable workbooks, desktop and mobile wallpapers, and educational resources are great free ways to draw leads right into your inbox. 

Tip 2: Offer (Small) Discounts

For e-commerce brands, offering discounts for those who opt into your emails is another great way to connect with site visitors. They don’t have to be huge discounts to draw people in – $5 off a purchases (like our SHOP5 code to the resource shop!) or 10% off is a friendly incentive to thank them for joining. Plus, you’ll likely get a purchase as well, so win-win! 

Tip 3: Create a Lead Generation Quiz

Ever put your email in to see what ‘Friends’ character you are? You aren’t the only one. Obviously you’ll want to do something that is a little more on brand for  you, but hosting an email lead generation quiz is another way to generate site viewers onto your contact list. I personally do this on my own site with my ‘What’s Your Brand Aesthetic’ quiz hosted by Interact, which has helped me grow my email list. Plus, quizzes are a truly fun and unique way for your site viewers to interact with you and your site!

Have you tried any of these tactics to grow your email list? How have they worked out for you? Let me know in the comments below!